Field Day
September 18, 2021
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Join us on September 18th for a fun family sports day!
Come outside, get competitive and celebrate the end of the dog days of summer at Morris Memorial Park in historic downtown Elgin.
This event is open to all ages and will feature a sack race, egg and spoon races, three legged races, wheel barrow races, and more! Be sure to get there early to sign yourself up…
Race schedule:
11:00 Sign up opens
11:30 Egg and Spoon Race
11:45 Three Legged Race – pairs required!
12:00 Sack Race
12:15 Wheel Barrow Race – pairs required!
12:30 Book Balance Dash
12:45 Morris Mini Marathon – once around the ponds, sticking to the foot paths!
13:15 Winner of Winners Dash – all our winners battle it out to be the ultimate champion!
13:30 Prize Giving and Closing Ceremony
14:00 Fin.
5 participants per race, depending on turn out, we’ll add extra heats if necessary. The mini marathon won’t have a participant limit.
Morris Memorial Park
313 W 4th St, Elgin, TX 78621